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WISeID Identity Platform
The Digital Identity for people, powerful and easy to use
WISeID Ecosystem
Unified personal security
WISeID combines in a unified solution:
- The “WISeID Account”, a digital identity bringing a unique credential that can be used to access to WISeKey’s and affiliated services
- A Digital Certificate, that enables strong authentication and digital signature. Can be also used to protect your email
- A Personal Encrypted Vault, where the user can store securely confidential information
- A suite of web services and Mobile Applications, that enable advanced features as strong authentication and document signature

Corporate solutions
WISeID for Business and Customer engagement
Companies can benefit of our WISeID platform and integrate it with the corporate applications for:
- Secure interactions for employees and customers (email, file encryption)
- Implement Single-Sign-On for the internal and external websites
- Enable document signature for corporate documents or customer contracts