Take control of your health data
Health protection and medical interventions will be more effective if they can rely on verified personal identity and verified health information.

Securing personal health data and issue health passport

- Create secure Identity
- Build Personal health data
- Protect personal information
- Manage Privacy policy
- Share and prove health status

Create a secure identity and Protect the data and enable new security services

Protect your familly and friends
Localize your friends and family during your Stay at Home

Create health passport
Build health information using personal data, official documents, or external health analysis services

Secure personal data
Build your health passport that your can use to prove your condition or to inform about potential risks

Create safer environment
Track potential risks to drive your decisions

Share health details securely
When needed, share critical data with the right person.
Sharing information may become essential when traveling or during medical treatment

First Aid
Provide automatic emergency details when the situation requires it and for a fast care decisions

Protect your Privacy
WISeKey products and services have a deep focus in data security and privacy. The information collected is only used for the purpose of creating your WISeID Account, as specified in our privacy notice, ensuring full compliance with GDPR and other applicable regulations.
WIShelter will not collect any additional privacy data and WISeKey doesn’t store geolocation or behavioural data, as for example your position or the status information that you share with your contacts. This information is shared directly with your contacts and not stored in our servers.
Web authentication and SSO

Authenticate with one time code like QR code.
Strong authenticaiton

2-steps authentication including digital certificate authentication
Bring the best care to everyone

Insures that your health information is verified and accurate. This information will help you when you need care
- Build your complete health reference and report
- Validate personal health information with professionals from the medical sector
- Stay safe during pandemic
- Provide proof of health when required
- Share personal health certificate for appropriate care
- Instantly share emergency information during urgency Ensure complete peace of mind
Health passport
Keep your health cards always with you

Create and manage your health information securely. With WIShelter, you can import any official health documents, create emergency procedure, prove health status to third party entities, and share health details with friends, doctors and predefined groups or audiences.
- Create Health passport
- Manage health data policies
- Define emergency contacts and procedures
- Share data with others
- Prove health status

Stay safe and connected
WIShelter helps you to localize your friends and family during your Stay at Home
Certified users will be able using their digital identity secured by WISeKey to localize other certified users on a geographical zone. It will also allow users to prove relevant authorities that they are respecting the stay at home recommendations and in some cases obligations imposed by authorities. The user Personal Identifiable Information is encrypted and never disclosed without users consent to protect users privacy. All information is anonymized protecting the user.
Features summary

- Protect identity and profile
- Build and keep Health information
- Validate health with professionals
- Configure security and privacy
- Locate family and friends
- Manage secured contacts
- Share health details
- Configure health cards for travelling or during emergency Store health in data vault

Future and innovations

Online Blood analysis

DNA sequences

healthy lifestyle

WISeID protects your Privacy
WISeKey products and services have a deep focus in data security and privacy. The information collected is only used for the purpose of creating your WISeID Account, as specified in our privacy notice, ensuring full compliance with GDPR and other applicable regulations.
WIShelter will not collect any additional privacy data and WISeKey doesn’t store geolocation or behavioural data, as for example your position or the status information that you share with your contacts. This information is shared directly with your contacts and not stored in our servers.